Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Economics Week 4 Agenda 1/5/10

Economics Week 4 Agenda


Should the Government spend more or less on the military? Why does the United States spend so much more on the military than education?

If the government had to spend 1 trillion dollars on a system that would garunteee we could never get bombed but it might not work should they spend the money?

What do you think is the best way to spend government money? (Military, Education, health care) Explain.


Would you ever want to open your own business why or why not?

Main topics covered
Government Spending
Government Choices
Creating alternatives
Individual Business decisions

In Class Labs
Born on Third Base
Cost Benefit Analysis: Three Gorges Dam


Curent Event 2 G.M. is on Road to profit
Assigned 1/8/10
1/2 page summary
1/4 page how will G.M. making money help the state of Michigan
1/4 page should Michigan give tax breaks to G.M. if they create more jobs in Michigan

Assignment 3
The Three Gorges Dam

The Three Gorges Dam is a very controversial dam in China the purpose of this dam is to regulate the flow of water during the spring. The benefit of the dam is that floods will be regulated hopefully ending devastating floods during the spring. The Dam will also create a tremendous amount of electricity. The problem with the dam is that it is taking away valuable farm land, and destroying a area that is essential to the history of the area, which contain priceless artifacts. Assume the role of: economist, sociologist, environmentalist, anthropologist, and a civil engineer. And write the paper pretending that you are one of the previously mentioned roles.

Part 1 5pts ½ a page

What are the benefits of the dam who does the dam benefit. How does the government benefit from the dam and how do you rationalize the billions of dollars spent of the dam

Part 2 5pts ½ a page

What are the costs of building the dam are the costs worth the dam being built. Does the dam make economical sense to you? Should the dam have been built and will the dam benefit the people? the government? Or both?